Every educational institution's pursuit of excellence must include alumni. The SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Delhi-NCR campus is proud of its graduates who have jobs as scientists, engineers, government employees, business owners, and a variety of other occupations around the world. Institutions and organizations have acknowledged the contributions they have made as they have developed, creating opportunities and value. Many of our alumni have performed admirably on the most challenging exams, such as the CAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS. A number of the most prestigious universities in the globe, including those in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, have also admitted them. Alumni have been in the forefront of sharing knowledge in their areas of specialization in order to further enhance, strengthen, and reinforce the overall excellence of the institute. The participation of alumni is crucial for every educational institution. It is a delight to see how alumni support their alma mater in a variety of modes.