
Student Counselling Cell

Psychological Counselling

Psychological counselling, often referred to simply as counselling or therapy, is a professional and confidential process aimed at helping individuals address a wide range of emotional, mental, and psychological challenges. This form of support can be invaluable for those facing issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, grief, trauma, and a variety of other mental health concerns. Here are some key points to consider about psychological counselling:

  • Professional Guidance: Counselling is typically conducted by trained and licensed professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counsellors, or therapists. These individuals have the expertise and knowledge to help clients navigate their emotional and psychological difficulties.
  • Confidentiality: One of the fundamental principles of counselling is maintaining client confidentiality. Clients can share their thoughts and feelings openly without the fear of judgment or their information being disclosed to others.
  • Goal-Oriented: Counselling is often goal-oriented, with both the counsellor and the client working together to establish specific objectives. These goals can vary from improving coping skills and communication to managing symptoms of mental health disorders.
  • Various Approaches: There are various therapeutic approaches in counselling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, and more. The choice of approach depends on the client's needs and the counsellor’s expertise.
  • Client-Centered: The focus of counseling is on the client's unique experiences and needs. Counselors provide a safe space for clients to express themselves and explore their emotions.
  • Effective for Many Issues: Counseling can be effective for a wide range of concerns, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship problems, career-related stress, and trauma. It can help individuals gain insights, develop coping strategies, and make positive changes in their lives.

Psychological counseling is a valuable resource for individuals seeking support and guidance in managing life's challenges and enhancing their mental well-being. It can lead to improved mental health, personal growth, and increased resilience, ultimately helping individuals lead more fulfilling lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health concerns, seeking the assistance of a qualified mental health professional is a crucial step toward healing and personal development.

Psychological counselling services in our campus

Academic Pressure

University life often comes with increased academic demands, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Counseling services can help students manage these pressures effectively and improve their academic performance.

Adjustment Issues

Many students experience challenges while transitioning to university life, including homesickness, social adjustment difficulties, and managing newfound independence. Counseling can provide support and coping strategies to ease this transition.

Adjustment Issues

Many students experience challenges while transitioning to university life, including homesickness, social adjustment difficulties, and managing newfound independence. Counseling can provide support and coping strategies to ease this transition.

Mental Health Support

University students may face a higher risk of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Counseling services can identify and address these concerns, offering therapy, guidance, and resources to students in need.

Personal Development

College is a crucial time for personal growth and self-discovery. Counseling can assist students in understanding themselves better, making informed decisions, and developing essential life skills.

Relationship and Social Support

College is a time when students form new relationships, navigate dating, and experience social challenges. Counseling can help individuals improve communication skills, manage conflicts, and build healthy relationships.

Crisis Intervention

In times of crisis, such as the loss of a loved one or a traumatic event on campus, counseling services are crucial for providing immediate support, helping students process their emotions, and cope with these challenging situations.

Substance Abuse and Addiction

College campuses are not immune to issues related to substance abuse. Counseling can help students who struggle with alcohol or drug problems and offer resources for recovery.

Diversity and Inclusion

Universities often have diverse student populations. Counseling services can provide a safe and inclusive space to address issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, promoting a welcoming and supportive environment.

Career and Life Planning

Many students face career-related stress and uncertainty. Career counseling services within the university can guide students in making informed career choices, setting goals, and developing job-search strategies.

Preventative Mental Health

Universities can proactively promote mental health and well-being by offering counseling services that encourage students to seek help before their mental health deteriorates, thus preventing more severe issues

Reducing Stigma

Having accessible counseling services on campus helps reduce the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health concerns. It sends a message that it's okay to reach out and that support is available.

Crisis Management

Universities must be prepared to respond to crises such as student suicides, sexual assaults, or natural disasters. Having mental health professionals on campus can facilitate crisis management and support affected individuals.

Student Retention

By providing mental health and counseling support, universities can help retain students who might otherwise leave due to personal or emotional struggles. This can improve graduation rates and student success.

Overall Campus Well-Being

The presence of counseling services contributes to the overall well-being of the campus community. A mentally healthy student body can create a more positive and productive learning environment.

In summary, psychological counseling is essential in a university setting to address the diverse and complex mental health and emotional needs of students. It not only supports individual well-being but also contributes to the success and vibrancy of the academic community as a whole. Universities that invest in and prioritize mental health services demonstrate their commitment to the holistic development and success of their students.

  • Counselling Cell- 2023


Contact :-

Dr. Nidhi Pathak

Assistant Professor (Psychological Counsellor), SRMIST, Delhi NCR, campus, Ghaziabad Phone:9410888727, Email :nidhip1@srmist.edu.in