
Electronics and Communications Engineering


Grand Finale of IEEE High Impact Zonal Event - on 8th - 9th January 2025.

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Industrial Trip to Yakut

Industrial Trip to Yakut Danone India (P) Ltd HSIIDC Industrial Area, Rai, Sonepat Haryana held on 25-04-2023. The objective of this visit was to give students the opportunity to obtain corporate exposure.


Industrial Trip to CSIR-NPL, New Delhi- Industrial Trip to CSIR-NPL, New Delhi was held from 17th to 21st April 2023 by ECE Department.


  • Developing India’s measurement standards that are internationally accepted and disseminating the measurement capabilities to industry, government, strategic and academia that underpin the India’s prosperity and quality of life.
  • Conducting multidisciplinary R&D with a mission to establish the futuristic quantum standards and upcoming technologies so that India remains on par with international measurement laboratories.
  • Developing sophisticated analytical equipments (i.e. import substitutes) under “Make in India” Programme to cater the ever increasing demands of emerging India.
  • Training of young scientists and industry personnel in the area of measurements under “Skill India” Programme.

Industrial Trip to IoT India Expo Centre

Industrial Trip to IoT India Expo Centre was held from 17th to 19th January 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. The objective was to display the Latest Products & Technologies Under One Roof. Dig deep into the world of IoT with the most premiere platform to share and discuss leading edge research and technological advances enabling organizations to propel a new world of digital transformation.


Industrial Visit to ALTTC Ghaziabad

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized an industry visit to ALTTC Ghaziabad on September 27, 2022, as part of their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The students had the opportunity to explore various divisions such as broadband, mobile, and IT. They learned about broadband topologies, the functioning of routers, and the concepts of optical fiber. BSNL's system experts provided practical demonstrations and explanations of different technologies to the students. Towards the end, Dr. Abhishek Gupta provided information about the training modules offered by ALTTC. These modules enable students to participate in summer internships or training programs based on their individual interests.


Guest Lecture- The expert Lecture was held on Tuesday 7th February 2023 online at 11:00 am.

The Speaker of the expert talk was Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. He explained the issues associated with research project proposals, resources available, funding agencies and research methodologies. The objective of the lecture was to spread awareness about the research proposals and opportunities to receive fund. Around 150 participants took part in the lecture.


Guest Lecture- The expert Lecture was held on Wednesday 19th April 2023 online at 2:00 PM.

The resource persons were from Industry, and had experience in core domain of Microwave Engineering and VLSI design which were very ongoing and relevant topics. Mr.Vel explained the relevance of microwave and their applications in industry. He explored the analysis of Radar and practical aspects involved in Radar and Navigation. Mr.Shadab highlighted the design flow of ASIC verification using SV and UVM. Both the speakers highlighted their expertise in the concern areas and spread awareness among the students about industry applications and future scope of their subjects. Around 80 participants took part in the lecture.


Guest Lecture- The expert Lecture was held on 9th April 2022 online at 11:00 AM to 1.00 PM.

The resource person was the Senior Editor of Springer function and delivered a lecture on “ Writing Papers and Ethics in Publishing”. Important tricks in writing papers and ethics in publication of research material is discussed in detail. Faculty members and research scholars get an insight about research journals, their criteria in selecting the papers and many other aspects on publications. Around 21 participants attended the event.


Guest The expert Lecture on “Idea Innovation and Patent Filing Process” was held on 17th May 2022 online at 11:15 AM to 12.00 PM.

The resource person was Mrs. Pooja Kumar, Founder and Director of Innove Intellects LLP. The information on patent and patent-related intellectual property protection were delivered in the lecture with suitable examples.


Guest Lecture- The expert Lecture on “Career Transition into Data Analytics” was held on 1st June 2022 online at 10:45 AM to 1.00 PM.

. The resource person was Mr.Vipul Vashishth, Founder and Director of Lagazon Technologies, Noida. The students got insight about the career aspects in data analytics.


Workshop- Two Days Workshop/Hands on Training on Ardubotics Robotics

Workshop- Two Days Workshop/Hands on Training on Ardubotics Robotics was held from 9th-10th February 2023 to train the B.Tech students by Department of ECE in association with Innovians Technologies. This workshop/Hands on training covered various skills including Line follower, obstacle detector, edge avoider robot bluetooth controlled robot, voice-controlled robot (Android App), android app-controlled robot (Gesture controlled robot), developing own android app for controlling robot. Two winning teams were selected for the final round of the event Technex’23 at IIT, Varanasi.


Workshop- A Workshop on Drone Technology was held on 2nd March 2023

Workshop- A Workshop on Drone Technology was held on 2nd March 2023 to train students with the basic concepts related to drone, its installation and assembly. This workshop covered basic steps related to drone technology designing using embedded system and overview classification of drone on the bases of different applications. The speakers were Mr. Vipin Kumar Manju 2. Mr. Vishal Singh 3. Mr.Sachin Arora, industry experts from Green-o-earth, a Healthcare solutions company, Noida. Around 60 students took part in the workshop.


Workshop- A Workshop on Industrial Automation was held on 17th

Workshop- A Workshop on Industrial Automation was held on 17th in the department to train the students for the aspect of Industrial Automation. Students were exposed to the hands on training of the Industrial Automation systems such as PLC, SCADA etc. This workshop was open to all the core branches such as ECE, EEE, ME and AE. The recourse person was industry expert from Sofcon Pvt.Ltd, Noida. Around 40 students took part in the workshop.