The Department of Chemistry at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) provides a dynamic and engaging environment for budding engineers and research scholars to explore the fascinating world of chemistry.
It equips students with the practical skills and knowledge necessary for their academic and professional journey in the field of engineering. Department has a group of vibrant, talented and passionate faculty members whose areas of expertise cover a broad spectrum of topics: synthetic chemistry, chemical biology, biochemistry, physical chemistry and computational chemistry, The department is home to laboratories with cutting edge tools, faculty members with well-versed knowledge about the field, research experience at par and research scholars working in various aspects of chemistry, biology, environmental chemistry. To meet the latest requirements of industry the department is continuously updating and revising its teaching pedagogies and research schemes.
2% Most Cited Researchers in the world by Elsevier – 01
Number of publications (articles, reviews, book chapters) - 200
Number of Sanctioned Research Grants – 02
Biannual Magazine of the Department – Vigyan Darpan
Number of Phd Faculty members - 13
Number of research supervisors- 5
Number of research scholars- 17
Number of publications (2017-2022) - 80
Number of publications (2022 onwards) - 55
Number of patents filed (2017-2022) - 13
Research association with premier institutions