
Computer Science & Engineering


  • Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • System Programming Lab
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
  • Data Science Lab
  • Cyber Security Lab
  • IoT Lab
  • Cloud Computing Lab
  • Simulation, Modelling & Networking Lab
  • Advanced Programming Lab
  • Data Analytics Lab
  • Database Lab
  • Operating System Lab
  • AIML Lab
  • Computational Intelligence Lab
  • Compiler Design Lab
  • Web Technologies Lab
  • Research Lab

Welcome to the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Lab! This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practice in the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced programmer seeking to reinforce your skills, this lab has something for everyone.


  • Understand the principles of Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Gain practical experience in creating classes and objects.
  • Learn about encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Apply OOP concepts to solve real-world programming problems.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with the programming language of choice installed (Python, Java, C++, etc.).
  • Code editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Internet access for online resources and research.

Welcome to the System Programming Lab! This lab is designed to immerse you in system-level programming, providing hands-on experience with low-level operations and system software development. Whether you are a computer science student, an aspiring systems programmer, or simply curious about how computer systems work beneath the surface, this lab offers a valuable learning experience.


  • Explore the fundamentals of system programming.
  • Gain practical experience with system calls and libraries.
  • Understand memory management and file handling.
  • Learn about processes, threads, and synchronization.
  • Develop software tools for system-level tasks.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with a Unix-like operating system (Linux, macOS) or a virtual machine with Linux.
  • A C/C++ compiler (GCC recommended) and development tools.
  • Code editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Internet access for online resources and research.

Welcome to the Software Engineering Lab, where you will embark on a journey to master the art and science of software development. This lab is designed to provide practical experience and hands-on learning in software engineering. Whether you are a novice programmer or an experienced developer, this lab will help you understand modern software development methodologies, processes, and tools.


  • Explore software development methodologies and best practices.
  • Gain hands-on experience in designing and implementing software systems.
  • Learn about project management, version control, and quality assurance.
  • Collaborate in a team-based software development environment.
  • Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills for real-world software challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A code editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams for team-based projects.
  • Version control system (Git) and a GitHub or GitLab account.

Welcome to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab, your gateway to mastering the art of algorithmic problem-solving. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical insight into designing, implementing, and analyzing algorithms. Whether you are a computer science student, a programmer, or anyone interested in enhancing your problem-solving skills, this lab offers a comprehensive journey through algorithms.


  • Explore the principles and techniques of algorithm design.
  • Gain practical experience in implementing algorithms in various programming languages.
  • Understand the importance of algorithm analysis and optimization.
  • Solve real-world problems using algorithmic approaches.
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A code editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Knowledge of a programming language (Python, Java, C++, etc.).
  • Basic understanding of data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs).

Welcome to the Data Science Lab, your portal to the exciting world of data analysis and machine learning. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of data science. Whether you're a data enthusiast, aspiring data scientist, or a professional looking to enhance your data skills, this lab offers comprehensive training in data manipulation, analysis, and predictive modeling.


  • Explore the foundations of data science and its applications.
  • Gain practical experience in data collection, cleaning, and visualization.
  • Learn statistical analysis and machine learning techniques.
  • Apply data science concepts to real-world problems.
  • Develop skills for data-driven decision-making.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Data science tools like Python, Jupyter Notebook, and relevant libraries (e.g., NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, scikit-learn).
  • Basic programming skills.

Welcome to the Cyber Security Lab, your training ground for mastering the art of protecting digital assets and systems. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of cyber security. Whether you're a budding ethical hacker, security enthusiast, or IT professional, this lab offers a comprehensive journey through the world of digital defense and cybersecurity.


  • Explore the fundamentals of cyber security.
  • Gain practical experience in identifying vulnerabilities and securing systems.
  • Learn ethical hacking techniques and strategies.
  • Understand the importance of network security and cryptography.
  • Develop skills for responding to cyber threats.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Virtualization software (e.g., VirtualBox) for creating virtual labs.
  • Security tools (e.g., Wireshark, Nmap, Metasploit) for hands-on exercises

Welcome to the IoT Lab, your gateway to exploring the Internet of Things (IoT) and creating innovative connected solutions. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of IoT. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a hardware tinkerer, or a developer interested in IoT applications, this lab offers a comprehensive journey through the world of connected devices and IoT platforms.


  • Explore the fundamentals of IoT technology and its applications.
  • Gain practical experience in building and programming IoT devices.
  • Learn about IoT communication protocols and data management.
  • Understand cloud integration and IoT analytics.
  • Develop IoT projects and prototypes.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • IoT hardware components (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry Pi, sensors).
  • IoT development tools (e.g., Arduino IDE, Raspberry Pi OS, platform-specific SDKs).

Welcome to the Cloud Computing Lab, your playground for mastering cloud technologies and services. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of cloud computing. Whether you're an IT professional, a developer, or a cloud enthusiast, this lab offers comprehensive training in cloud infrastructure, services, and deployment.


  • Explore the fundamentals of cloud computing and its benefits.
  • Gain practical experience in provisioning cloud resources.
  • Learn about cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
  • Understand cloud security and best practices.
  • Develop skills for deploying applications in the cloud.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A cloud provider account (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) or access to cloud-based labs.
  • Familiarity with basic networking concepts and IT infrastructure.

Welcome to the Simulation, Modelling & Networking Lab, where you can delve into the realms of simulating complex systems, modeling real-world scenarios, and exploring the intricacies of computer networks. This lab is designed to provide you with hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the fields of simulation, modeling, and networking. Whether you're a computer science student, aspiring network engineer, or simply curious about computer systems and networks, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into these fascinating domains.


  • Explore the principles of simulation and modeling.
  • Gain practical experience in simulating complex systems.
  • Learn about network design, configuration, and troubleshooting.
  • Understand the principles of computer network protocols.
  • Develop problem-solving skills for real-world networking challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Simulation and modeling software (e.g., Simulink, AnyLogic).
  • Networking tools and simulation environments (e.g., Cisco Packet Tracer).

Welcome to the Advanced Programming Lab, where you can sharpen your coding skills and delve into advanced programming concepts and techniques. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the world of advanced programming. Whether you're a seasoned programmer looking to enhance your skills or a computer science student eager to explore the depths of coding, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into advanced programming.


  • Explore advanced programming paradigms and languages.
  • Gain practical experience in coding complex software systems.
  • Learn about software design patterns and architectural principles.
  • Understand the principles of code optimization and performance tuning.
  • Develop problem-solving skills for advanced programming challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • A code editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  • Familiarity with a programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C++).

Welcome to the Data Analytics Lab, where you can explore the exciting world of data analysis and gain practical skills in extracting insights from data. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of data analytics. Whether you're a data enthusiast, aspiring data analyst, or a professional looking to enhance your data skills, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into data analysis, visualization, and interpretation.


  • Explore the fundamentals of data analytics.
  • Gain practical experience in data collection, cleaning, and visualization.
  • Learn statistical analysis and data interpretation.
  • Understand machine learning techniques for predictive analytics.
  • Develop skills for data-driven decision-making.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Data analytics tools like Python, Jupyter Notebook, and relevant libraries (e.g., NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, scikit-learn).
  • Basic understanding of statistics and data structures.

Welcome to the Database Lab, where you can dive into the world of data management, database design, and SQL querying. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of databases. Whether you're a database administrator, developer, or a student looking to understand the fundamentals of data storage and retrieval, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into database management and SQL.


  • Explore the principles of database management and design.
  • Gain practical experience in creating and managing databases.
  • Learn SQL for data manipulation and querying.
  • Understand database security and optimization.
  • Develop skills for designing efficient database systems.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Database management system software (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB).
  • SQL client or interface for querying the database.

Welcome to the Operating System Lab, where you can explore the inner workings of computer operating systems and gain practical experience in system administration and programming. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of operating systems. Whether you're a computer science student, aspiring system administrator, or a software developer, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into the world of operating systems.


  • Explore the fundamentals of operating systems and their components.
  • Gain practical experience in system administration and management.
  • Learn about process management, memory allocation, and file systems.
  • Understand operating system security and virtualization.
  • Develop programming skills for system-level tasks.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • An operating system environment (e.g., Linux, Windows).
  • C/C++ compiler and development tools.

Welcome to the AIML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) Lab, your gateway to the fascinating world of AI and ML. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Whether you're a student, a budding data scientist, or an AI enthusiast, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into AI and ML technologies.


  • Explore the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Gain practical experience in developing AI and ML models.
  • Learn about data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model evaluation.
  • Understand the ethics and responsible use of AI.
  • Develop problem-solving skills for real-world AI challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • AIML development tools and libraries (e.g., Python, Jupyter Notebook, scikit-learn, TensorFlow).

Welcome to the Computational Intelligence Lab, where you can explore the cutting-edge field of computational intelligence and delve into the world of neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and fuzzy logic. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in computational intelligence. Whether you're a researcher, a student, or an AI enthusiast, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into the fascinating world of computational intelligence.


  • Explore the principles of computational intelligence.
  • Gain practical experience in implementing neural networks and evolutionary algorithms.
  • Learn about fuzzy logic and its applications.
  • Understand the role of computational intelligence in solving complex problems.
  • Develop problem-solving skills for real-world challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Computational intelligence development tools and libraries (e.g., Python, Jupyter Notebook, scikit-learn, TensorFlow).

Welcome to the Compiler Design Lab, where you can explore the intricate world of compiler construction and programming language design. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in compiler design and development. Whether you're a computer science student, a language enthusiast, or a compiler engineer, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into the realm of compilers.


  • Explore the fundamentals of compiler design.
  • Gain practical experience in lexical analysis, parsing, and code generation.
  • Learn about programming language syntax and semantics.
  • Understand optimization techniques in compiler design.
  • Develop problem-solving skills for compiler development challenges.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Compiler development tools and languages (e.g., Lex, Yacc, C/C++).

Welcome to the Web Technologies Lab, where you can immerse yourself in the ever-evolving world of web development. This lab is designed to provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge in web technologies. Whether you're a web developer, a student, or someone interested in creating web applications, this lab offers a comprehensive journey into web development, from front-end to back-end.


  • Explore the fundamentals of web development.
  • Gain practical experience in creating responsive web interfaces.
  • Learn about front-end and back-end development.
  • Understand web security and best practices.
  • Develop skills for building dynamic web applications.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Web development tools and languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js).
  • Database management system (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB).

In the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Lab, the boundaries of computational power are pushed to new heights. This lab is dedicated to exploring the world of HPC, supercomputing, and parallel computing. Whether you are a researcher, a student, or a professional seeking to harness the immense computational capabilities of HPC, this lab provides you with the tools and knowledge to tackle complex computational challenges.


  • Explore High-Performance Computing
  • Hands-On Experience
  • Optimization Skills
  • Parallel Programming
  • Research and Innovation

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Access to an HPC cluster, supercomputer, or cloud-based HPC resources.
  • Software tools and libraries for parallel programming (e.g., MPI, OpenMP, CUDA).
  • Familiarity with programming languages like C/C++ or Fortran.

Welcome to the Research Lab, where innovation and discovery are at the forefront. This lab is designed to provide a platform for research, experimentation, and collaboration across various domains. Whether you're a researcher, a student, or anyone with a passion for pushing the boundaries of knowledge, this lab offers an environment for exploration and advancement.


  • Explore diverse research topics and areas of interest.
  • Gain practical experience in conducting experiments and studies.
  • Collaborate with peers and mentors on research projects.
  • Understand research methodologies and best practices.
  • Develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

Lab Requirements

  • A computer with internet access.
  • Access to research materials and resources.
  • Collaboration tools and platforms for group research activities.
  • A wide range of software development tools and IDEs.
  • Research-specific software such as data analysis tools (e.g., Python with NumPy, SciPy, pandas), simulation tools, and machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch).
  • Version control systems (e.g., Git) for code management and collaboration.
  • Data visualization and analysis tools (e.g., Tableau, Jupyter Notebook)