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The Department of Mathematics is dedicated to the education and development of young students into competent and motivated professionals with a strong foundation in mathematics. They have a focus on both theoretical and practical knowledge and aim to prepare students for successful careers. The department also fosters an environment that encourages research, clear thinking, and determination among its students. One of the key strengths of the department is its consistent high level of teaching and research interactions. This has led to notable achievements in the fields of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics. The faculty members are highly dedicated and have continually improved their publication profiles over the years. To meet the evolving needs of students, the department introduces relevant courses to ensure that the curriculum remains up-to-date. Additionally, they have been successful in securing external research funding from various respected research agencies, including SERB-DST, UGC, NBHM, BARC, and SRMIST, which has enabled them to conduct valuable research projects.


To emerge as a world-class hub of research that creates an academic pursuit and disseminates knowledge with high standards in Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology.


To provide world-class research and state of the art research environment for young minds to pursue a career in advanced areas of Mathematics and its Applications, enhancing quantitative reasoning and employability skills.

Highlights of the Department

  • Educational Excellence: The Department of Mathematics is committed to transforming young students into competent professionals by providing a strong theoretical and practical foundation in mathematics.
  • Focus on Research: The department fosters an environment that encourages research, critical thinking, and determination among students. This focus has resulted in significant contributions to Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics.
  • Quality Education: The department is dedicated to providing high-quality education, ensuring students develop strong logical thinking skills and preparing them for scientific and social challenges.
  • Relevant Curriculum: To meet the emerging needs of students, the department introduces relevant courses, keeping the curriculum up-to-date and aligned with the evolving demands of the field of mathematics.
  • Faculty Excellence: The faculty members have consistently improved their publication profiles, demonstrating their commitment to advancing mathematical knowledge through research.
  • Community and Social Responsibility: Graduates from the mathematics program are not only academically proficient but also possess strong ethical values and social responsibility, making positive contributions to their communities and society at large.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO 1

    Graduates of our mathematics program will demonstrate a strong foundation in mathematical theory and its practical applications, enabling them to excel in a variety of professional fields, including but not limited to academia, industry, finance, and technology.

  • PEO 2

    Graduates will be equipped with exceptional problem-solving skills, allowing them to tackle complex real-world challenges by applying mathematical principles and analytical thinking.

  • PEO 3

    Graduates will possess the ability to communicate mathematical concepts and findings effectively, both in writing and through oral presentations, enabling them to collaborate and share their knowledge with colleagues and the broader community.

  • PEO 4

    Graduates will recognize the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement in mathematics and related fields. They will actively seek opportunities for professional development and growth throughout their careers.

  • PEO 5

    Graduates will possess the additional skills in core computer science discipline with knowledge of Hardware, Software, Programming, and Logic & Reasoning.