
Mechanical Engineering

Future Trends in Novel Materials

AICTE sponsored ATAL Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Future Trends in Novel Materials" was organized from 9th December to 14th December 2024. The program was aimed at enhancing knowledge on advanced materials and their emerging applications. A total of 137 participants attended the sessions, making the event both engaging and impactful.

This FDP brought together renowned experts and academicians who delivered insightful sessions on a wide range of topics related to novel materials, covering fundamentals, advancements, and applications across various fields.

Inaugural Ceremony

The FDP commenced with a formal inauguration ceremony on 9th December 2024. The session began with a warm welcome to all the dignitaries, speakers, and participants.

The following dignitaries graced the inaugural event with their presence and insightful words:

The chief guest of the program Dr. Jimmy Kansal delivered an inspiring inaugural address. He emphasized the critical role of advanced materials in driving innovation across industries and highlighted emerging research opportunities in the field. His thought-provoking insights set a visionary tone for the program, encouraging participants to explore interdisciplinary approaches in their academic and professional pursuits.

Dr. Dhowmya Bhatt, Dean IQAC, who highlighted the importance of FDPs in enhancing faculty knowledge and teaching methodologies.

Dr. R.P. Mahapatra, Dean of [specific area], who shared his thoughts on the future trends and applications of advanced materials.

The inaugural ceremony set the tone for the six-day FDP, emphasizing the significance of advanced materials in research, innovation, and industry applications.


The Faculty Development Program on "Future Trends in Novel Materials" featured a distinguished panel of experts who brought their extensive knowledge and experience to the sessions.

  • Prof. Kaushik Pal, a renowned professor in Materials Science, enlightened participants on advancements in nanomaterials and their transformative applications.
  • Prof. Suresh Verma, a senior academic in Mechanical Engineering, shared valuable insights into functionally graded materials and their engineering relevance.
  • Dr. Subash, an expert in materials science, provided a comprehensive overview of the transition from monolithic to advanced materials.
  • Dr. Jayant Thakre, a scientist in advanced manufacturing, focused on innovative material processing techniques.
  • Dr. K.K. Dwivedi, a leader in mechanical and medical engineering, highlighted the interdisciplinary role of engineering in medical science advancements.
  • Dr. Amit Kumar Yadav, an expert in metallurgical engineering, discussed the significance of high-temperature materials.
  • Dr. Pushpendra Gola, a specialist in battery technologies, emphasized sustainable trends in battery manufacturing.
  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Pal, an authority in electronics and materials engineering, demonstrated the preparation of SAC305 solder composite.
  • Dr. Swati Gangawar, an expert in tribology, delved into material characterization and tribological behaviors.
  • Dr. Sankalp, a researcher in structural materials, explored nano-lamellar structures created via severe plastic deformation.
  • Prof. Suhrit Mula, a materials processing specialist, discussed advanced techniques for processing and characterization.
  • Dr. Raja Allavikutty, an industry expert, highlighted advancements in material analysis for wind gearboxes.
  • Dr. Ravi Ranjan, a scientist specializing in rare earth materials, explained their critical applications in modern technologies.
  • Their in-depth sessions provided participants with cutting-edge knowledge, fostering professional growth and inspiring future research in novel materials.

Closing Session:

The closing session of the Faculty Development Program on "Future Trends in Novel Materials" was delivered by Dr. Gyanendra Prasad Bagri, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Bagri expressed his gratitude to all the speakers, participants, and organizers for their contributions to the program's success. He emphasized the importance of integrating the knowledge gained during the FDP into teaching and research to drive innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. His insightful remarks and words of encouragement provided a fitting conclusion to the event, inspiring participants to explore advanced research avenues in novel materials.

During the session, participants shared their positive feedback, appreciating the diverse topics, expert insights, and interactive sessions that broadened their understanding of novel materials. Many participants expressed their enthusiasm for implementing the learnings in their academic and professional endeavors. Dr. Mahesh acknowledged these responses, emphasizing the importance of such constructive feedback in shaping future programs and fostering academic growth.


ATAL Online FDP on “Novel Materials”

5-Days AICTE sponsored Online Faculty Development Programme on Novel Materials was conducted from 23rd to 27th August 2021 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ghaziabad in which 186 participants from different parts of the country participated.

The speakers for the 5-days FDP on “Novel Materials” were:

  • Dr. Arun Kumar Shah, Retired Scientist, DRDO
  • Dr. Sandeep Singhal, Associate Professor, NIT Kurukshetra
  • Dr. Vikas Goyat, Assistant Professor, SRM IST, Ghaziabad
  • Dr. Ankur Gupta, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur
  • Dr. Atul Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur
  • Dr. Gyander Ghangas, Assistant Professor, SRM IST, Ghaziabad
  • Dr. Kaushik Pal, Professor, IIT Roorkee
  • Dr. Parmod Kumar, Assistant Professor, JCBUST Faridabad
  • Dr. Satish Kumar Sharma, TIET Patiala
  • Dr. A.N. Siddiquee, Professor, Jamia Milia University Delhi
  • Dr. Chandan Pandey, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur
  • Dr. Nav Rattan Kaushik, Assistant Professor, WIT Dehradun
  • Dr. R.k. Garg, Professor, DCRUST Murthal
  • Mr. Deepak Khurana, Event Manager, Art Of Living Dehradun

The schedule of the workshop was as below-

The FDP on Novel Materials has completed with 14 sessions from 23-27 August 2021. The details of the sessions with topic covered and speaker’s information are presented below.


The inauguration was held on 23rd August 2021 online at 10:00 am. Chief Guest of the program was Dr. P.K. Satyawali (Scientist and Associate Director, DGRE, DRDO Chandigarh), Guest of Honour of the function was Dr. Arun Kumar Shah (Retired Scientist, DRDO). The dignitaries from SRM IST were also presented to welcome the guests and participants in of the programme. The inaugural session was started with the welcome address by Dr. Dhowmya Bhatt, Head CDC followed by theme presentation by Dr. Gyander Ghangas, Coordinator FDP. The head of the institute Dr. D. K. Sharma welcomed the guests of the session and address the participants to motivate them for learning. The audience addressed by guest of honor and Chief Guest where they made aware the audience about the importance of the FDP and Novel Materials. The itinerary of the programme is presented below:

Schedule Card

Summary of the Online FDP on Novel Materials:

The programme can be summarized as below

Particulars Number
Participants Applied 186
Participants Approved 186
Feedback Submitted 159
Appeared in Test 168
Number of Speakers 14

Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering

The Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized aimed to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of the faculty members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. The program, held on 23-28 may 2022, brought together educators from various departments to engage in collaborative learning and exchange of best practices.


The primary objectives of the FDP were:

  • To update faculty members on the latest trends and advancements in their respective fields.
  • To provide a platform for sharing innovative teaching methodologies and strategies.
  • To enhance research and publication skills among the faculty.
  • To strengthen interpersonal and communication skills.
  • To foster a sense of community and collaboration among the faculty members.


ICFTMME-2022- 2nd International Conference on Future Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICFTMME-2022) was organized by the Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India. It was an initiative to provide a common platform for researchers working in the field of Materials and Mechanical Engineering to share knowledge and ideas for technological advancements. The focus of ICFTMME-2022 was on modelling, synthesis, processing and characterization of current, advanced and novel materials. The accepted papers have been published in Materials Today-Proceedings of Elsevier Publication. 134 papers have been presented in 10 different tracks which were examined by experts from different reputed institute across India.



International Conference on Future Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICFTMME-2020) has been organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India. It was an initiative to provide a common platform for researchers working in the field of Materials and Mechanical Engineering to share knowledge and ideas for technological advancements. ICFTMME-2020 was mainly concerned with the broad areas of Mechanics, Manufacturing, Materials Engineering, Thermal and Fluid Engineering. However, the research works conducted in applied areas were also invited. This conference was suitable for renowned researchers, young scientists, engineers from industries and other keen professionals (R&D, manufacturers, etc.).

All successfully reviewed, accepted and presented papers at ICFTMME-2020 will be published in SPRINGER Book Series Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering" indexed in SCOPUS and submitted for indexing to Web of Science.

Organizing Committee

  • Conference Organizing Chair (Convener)

    Dr. Amit Goyal, Assistant Professor and HOD, Mechanical Engineering Department, SRM IST, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA

  • Conference Organizing Co-Chair (Co-Convener)

    Dr. Atul Kumar, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, SRM IST, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA

    Dr. Vinay Panwar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, SRM IST, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA

    Dr. Vikas Goyat, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, SRM IST, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA


Future Trends in Novel Materials

Future Trends in Novel Materials" scheduled to be held between 9th-14th December 2024 need to float in POP-UPS.

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